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​About me

Born in Date City, Fukushima Prefecture. After studying art and fashion at a university in Tokyo, I studied in the United States from 1998 and returned to Japan in 2002 after completing the Film Production Course at New York University. Having a career as a freelance photographer in Tokyo,I moved to Fukushima and is currently working on the subject of Fukushima after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Major Awards Canon Photography New Century "Nobuyoshi Araki Award" (13th), Nikon Salon " Nobuo Ina Award" (42nd).I hold many photo exhibitions in various parts of Japan and publish six books of photographs.



The theme for all my works is time. I continue to pursue the theme of time in various ways. For example, I visited all elementary school classmates all over Japan 20 years later. Also, the same scenery spreads whenever I go, and I photographed the summer coast as if time had stopped. Also, I shot 19 families of the area where I was born and raised once a year for 12 years (2007 to 2018).



​the Circle and Planet Fukushima are producing works with the same concept. Each picture of the Circle, I capture three existences: humans, animals, and fences that divide the two, as three different layers like the layer function of Photoshop. This is the same with the perspective in Planet Fukushima, which is consisted of foreground, middle-distance, and background. The existence of fences in middle-distance in the Circle is, in Planet Fukushima, the existence of the radioactivity that divides humans in foreground and scenery in background.

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